Nutrition & Health Audit Services

Ngaire will assist your organisation to provide nutrition and health advice which is appropriate to the unique needs of adults moving out of middle age into their later years.

About Food, Nutrition & Dining Experience Services

A positive nutrition and dining experience is of utmost importance for the well-being of older persons in aged care. It goes beyond the vital importance of meeting their nutritional needs. A well-planned and enjoyable dining experience that is in line with the needs, goals and preferences of older adults plays a significant role in their emotional and social well-being.

Ngaire has joined with Anchor Excellence - a highly respected company providing leadership, compliance, operations management, quality assurance, education, workforce capability, and consumer engagement, in aged care. Our audits help aged care providers to deliver sustainable change, enhancing consumer satisfaction, promoting overall well-being, and cultivating a positive and engaging environment for older persons.

Contact Ngaire at Anchor Excellence for more.

image of ngaire cutting a loaf of bread

Interested in working with Ngaire?

Fill in the form below with your information or get in touch directly via email.

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ie: how many people will be in attendance.

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Please share any other comments or information you may feel is relevant.

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Ngaire is a very inspiring speaker particularlyappropriate for the U3A age group. Easy to listen to and understand, she leftus with much to consider in our efforts to keep fit both physically andmentally as we journey through our “third age”. 
Marg L, U3A Port Sorel

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My books and presentations deliver the science of nutrition, ageing, brain health and dementia risk reduction in everyday language.
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